Student Blogs

Blades, a Ball & Berlin

March 12th, 2016 hrhoes17

I have to admit, it’s been a long, long day… After going to Formal Hall last night followed by drinks at the Oxford Union Bar, then going home to finish up our packing, Sarah (a fellow HC student and close friend) and I were both exhausted. By the time we got to bed it was around 1:30am, which only gave us a few hours of sleep before we had to wake up to catch our bus to Gatwick Airport. But come 9:05am (plus a two-hour delay due to foggy

We've landed on the continent!

We’ve landed on the continent!

weather conditions) the door of the plane was shut, the captain had turned on the seatbelt sign, and we were off! We’ve since landed in Berlin, Germany – the very first stop on our 5-week backpacking tour around Europe over the Easter vacation. Especially because our flight was delayed and we arrived in Berlin later than expected, today was mostly about getting situated: learning to navigate the public transportation system (clearly made more difficult by the fact that neither of us know a lick of German), settling in at Dirk’s place (we’re staying with Sarah’s distant cousin), and getting some much needed sustenance in the form of food and an early bed time.

While we agreed last night that the prospect of leaving our respective study abroad homes for five weeks was a bit overwhelming, no doubt it will be one of the most incredible experiences of our lives. Here we go!

As for the recap of Torpids and the Mansfield Ball that I promised:

Torpids couldn’t have gone better for Mansfield! Both first boats for the women and men won blades (a.k.a. “Double Blades”), which is about as good as it gets! Though, as I said, it was disappointing to miss out on the opportunity to race myself, I had an absolute ball taking photos and documenting their victories (I was unofficially “hired” as the MCBC photographer). Speaking of having a Ball… The Mansfield Ball was incredible! A rockin’ party with yummy treats (e.g. spiked milkshakes), live music, one of the most interesting sit-down dinners I’ve ever attended (the theme was “Doors of Perception” a.k.a. Psychedelic), and a whole lot of quality time spent with friends old and new. All in all, a great way to celebrate the end of Torpids!

I’ll be back in a few days to share our experiences in Berlin!



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Hildie Hoeschen '17

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